Sunday, May 23, 2010


* 1 exertion game without a conventional screen ... we can't really play our game.. but we can Play Dragon Tales (which is just simple tag, but with tales ) and just call it - Turf Wars - lol

* 1 website that describes the game and its benefits. ( Who's DOing the WEBSITE!! Some one needs to do it!! ) HELP!!!

* 1 video on youtube ( when i have all the game footage give it to ME!!!! NOW!! ) Compiling, waiting for jame's fotage!

* promotional photograph (collage) (Boden) on it!

** 1024x768 landscape (Boden) done!

** game title ( is everyone happy with our game title? ) everyone!

** 1-2 sentences describing how the game works and why we need it. ( can some one write a few sentences about our game and put them on the web site! )

** URL (Attatched to the Youtube video, presentaion, and poster) someone!

** team ( Written on the web page ) someone!


* Promote demo night
* Bring cameras etc
* Report red dots at end of demo night
* Return hardware at end of demo night

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